
Sunday, November 1, 2009


Life is full of bubbles.
Millions of bubbles. 
BIG bubbles. 
SMALL bubbles. 
These bubbles float around us. We can't see them. They are microscopic. They are at the alpha level of the mind (now don't ask me what that means!). Each bubble contains a dream, an idea, a wish, a desire. Once in a while a bubble floats into the conscious state of the mind. The bubble grows. Bigger and bigger. Day after day. When it reaches its optimum level, its all we can think about. Day and night. All you want in life is that little dream inside the bubble to come true. And once that wish takes over your mind-body-soul, the bubble BURSTS. Just like that. Just as inconspicuously as it had surfaced in the first place. For a second you're paralyzed, not realizing what has happened. You don't know what to do, where to go. Your heart breaks. Your mind freezes. Your soul cries.
Time passes. And then slowly another bubble floats into the conscious state of the mind. This one too grows bigger and bigger, day after day........until.......

Life becomes a full circle.   

5 Obiter dicta:

Pawan Singh Rajput said...

and people around us are ready with a pin in their hands...

Pankhuri Shrivastava said...

he he!!! u mean trying to burst the bubble? yeah with some people its true.

Shekhar said...

U r good try a lil into storytelling.really u'll rock

"Just like that. Just as inconspicuously as it had surfaced in the first place. For a second you're paralyzed, not realizing what has happened. You don't know what to do, where to go. Your heart breaks. Your mind freezes. Your soul cries."

PS- stopped visiting my

................your's entirely said...

sometimes though we imprison ourselves in these bubble....lifetimes pass by...and all we manage is live comfortably in these bubbles of dreams...

Unknown said...

can i c your photography.....i means pics of them....the best ones....full of natures beauty...


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