"When I was a child, I wanted to draw like an adult.
When I became an adult, I always wanted to draw like a child."
These are the words of the famous artist Pablo Picasso.
When I first heard these words from my very adorable teacher Miss Flower, I was in my 7th standard and at that time, I didn't quite see much logic in it. Now 7 years later,I have understood the meaning of these words like never before. My passion for various things might have evolved over the years, from books to music to swimming to.......Science? but there is still a part of me that longs for that old love for art and childhood days, when even if you make a rectangular shape orange your parents and teachers appreciate it.
This life has got something for everyone in the world, and as they say we all have a purpose here. But what would you say about people who commit suicide??
Yesterday,in our college, we had a condolence of one of our juniors (2nd semester) who committed suicide for some unknown reason. The boy who was supposed to be enthusiastic and optimistic about his new college, new place and plethora of opportunities waiting for him further ahead on the road of life, committed suicide!!!
It feels strange when I hear students committing suicide because of studies, failure in life or betrayal from friends, and it feels even more strange when people say, the person must be weak to commit an act as childish as suicide. Well, they can never understand the real circumstances. I have always believed that we all are worth something, not necessarily a Doctor, Engineer or a Pilot but a different, still, an equally important identity. But when people around you stop believing in your abilities (not necessarily by saying so), you too, soon, stop believing in yourself. And when someone suddenly says or does something to show that she/he has faith in your capabilities, you are both OVERWHELMED and SCARED to the point of just wanting to give up everything. Overwhelmed that here you have a person who believes in you, and scared that you just might let him down too.
The pressure of society not only forces a child to end his life but also to loose that special ability and identity. I do not know how many(if any) parent(s) will read this article but I really want to request them all, that rather to compare your child to his/her cousins or friends or anybody for that matter, you may please appreciate his abilities and support him in something he is best at... like you did when he was kid... and tell him you are there. Even if he is not like someone you have wanted him to !!!
2 Obiter dicta:
that was a very touching and beautifully worded article...
i hope people be kinder...as the world can really use some kindness and love..
may not be all day everyday love..but love should be the foundation of it all..
Definitely compassion and love needs to be the foundation. Thank you :)
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